Course Schedule 2024 - 2025
- Semester 1 runs from September 16, 2024 to January 24, 2025
- Semester 2 runs from February 3, 2025 to June 10, 2025. All course work must be submitted on or before June 10, 2025
- Canada in the Contemporary World 10F (0101)
- English Language Arts 10F (0001)
- Life/Work Exploration 10S (0097)
- Math 10F (0080)
- Physical Education 10F (0169)
- Science 10F (0120)
- Visual Art 10S (0274)
- Computer Science 20S (0280)
- Digital Pictures 25S (1/2 credit) (0226)
- English Language Arts 20F (0001)
- Essential Mathematics 20S (3000)
- Geographic Issues of the 21st Century 20F (1180)
- Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics 20S (3905)
- Life/Work Planning 20S (0098)
- Physical Education 20F (0169)
- Science 20F (0120)
- 2D Animation 35S (1/2 Credit) (0227)
- Accounting Essentials 30S (0309)
- Applied Mathematics 30S (3903)
- Biology 30S (0124)
- Chemistry 30S (0122)
- Computer Science 30S (0280) [Completed computer science 20S credit strongly suggested]
- ELA Comprehensive Focus 30S (0092)
- ELA Literary Focus 30S (0093)
- ELA Transactional Focus 30S (0094)
- Essential Mathematics 30S (3000)
- History of Canada 30F (0105)
- Physical Education 30F (0169)
- Physics 30S (0123)
- Pre-Calculus Mathematics 30S (3939)
- Applied Mathematics 40S (3903) [Completed Applied Math 30S credit strongly suggested]
- Biology 40S (0124) [Completed Biology 30S credit strongly suggested]
- Canadian Law 40S (0580)
- Chemistry 40S (0122) [Completed Chemistry 30S credit strongly suggested]
- ELA Comprehensive Focus 40S (0092)
- ELA Literary Focus 40S (0093)
- ELA Transactional Focus 40S (0094)
- Essential Mathematics 40S (3000)
- Family Studies 40S (0491)
- Global Issues 40S (1128)
- Introduction to Calculus 45S (1/2 credit) (3940) [Completed Pre-Cal 40S credit strongly suggested]
- Physical Education 40F (0169)
- Physics 40S (0123) [Completed Physics 30S credit strongly suggested]
- Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S (3939) [Completed Pre-Calculus Math 30S credit strongly suggested]
- Psychology 40S (1010)
- Computer Science 40S (0280) [Completed computer science 30S credit strongly suggested]
- Introduction aux mathématiques appliquées et pré-calcul 20SX (3905)
- Histoire 30FX (0105)
- Mathématiques au quotidien 30SX (3000)
- Mathématiques pré-calcul 30SX (3939)
- Éducation physique et éducation à la santé 40FX (0169)
- Enjeux mondiaux: citoyenneté et durabilité 40SX (1128)
- Canada in the Contemporary World 10F (0101)
- English Language Arts 10F (0001)
- Life/Work Exploration 10S (0097)
- Math 10F (0080)
- Physical Education 10F (0169)
- Science 10F (0120)
- Visual Art 10S (0274)
- Computer Science 20S (0280)
- Digital Pictures 25S (1/2 Credit) (0226)
- English Language Arts 20F (0001)
- Essential Mathematics 20S (3000)
- Geographic Issues of the 21st Century 20F (1180)
- Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics 20S (3905)
- Life/Work Planning 20S (0098)
- Physical Education 20F (0169)
- Science 20F (0120)
- 2D Animation 35S (1/2 Credit) (0227)
- Accounting Essentials 30S (0309)
- Applied Mathematics 30S (3903)
- Biology 30S (0124)
- Chemistry 30S (0122)
- Computer Science 30S (0280) [Completed computer science 20S credit strongly suggested]
- ELA Comprehensive Focus 30S (0092)
- ELA Literary Focus 30S (0093)
- ELA Transactional Focus 30S (0094)
- Essential Mathematics 30S (3000)
- History of Canada 30F (0105)
- Physical Education 30F (0169)
- Physics 30S (0123)
- Pre-Calculus Mathematics 30S (3939)
- Applied Mathematics 40S (3903) [Completed Applied Math 30S credit strongly suggested]
- Biology 40S (0124) [Completed Biology 30S credit strongly suggested]
- Canadian Law 40S (0580)
- Chemistry 40S (0122) [Completed Chemistry 30S credit strongly suggested]
- Computer Science 40S (0280) [Completed computer science 30S credit strongly suggested]
- Current Topics in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Studies 40S (0103)
- ELA Comprehensive Focus 40S (0092)
- ELA Literary Focus 40S (0093)
- ELA Transactional Focus 40S (0094)
- Essential Mathematics 40S (3000)
- Family Studies 40S (0491)
- Global Issues 40S (1128)
- Introduction to Calculus 45S (1/2 credit) (3940) [Completed Pre-Cal 40S credit strongly suggested]
- Physical Education 40F (0169)
- Physics 40S (0123) [Completed Physics 30S credit strongly suggested]
- Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S (3939) [Completed Pre-Calculus Math 30S credit strongly suggested]
- Psychology 40S (1010)
- Mathématiques au quotidien 20SX (3000)
- Éducation physique et éducation à la santé 30FX (0169)
- Éducation physique et éducation à la santé 40FX (0169)
- Mathématiques au quotidien 40SX (3000)
- Mathématiques pré-calcul 40SX (3939) [Completed Mathématiques pré-calcul 30SX credit strongly suggested]
- Premières Nations, Métis et Inuits: sujets d’actualité 40SX (0103)
Seat fees have been partially subsidized by MB Education and Early Childhood Learning.
• STUDENT per seat fee: $350
• ADULT LEARNERS per seat fee: $390
Adult/Graduated learners include individuals who have graduated high school or are between the ages of 18 and 20 not registered at an in-person school or are 21 years old and above.
NOTE: The registration page outlines current course availability.
InformNet Course Handbook 2024-25

Information about Academic Honesty for Students and Parents

InformNet teachers use “Learning Check-Ins” to assess student learning. These are teacher-initiated video conferences that students must attend within two school days of the request. Each session lasts approximately 15 minutes and is intended to evaluate the student’s understanding of their submitted work. During a Learning Check-In, students are required to have their cameras and microphones on and be prepared to share their screen.
2024-25 Semester Summary

Asynchronous Course Options
Semester 1 Courses (Sept. 16 - Jan. 24) French Immersion: |
Semester 2 Courses (Feb. 3 - June 10) |